Herbstgold Hintergrund

Herbstgold 2024

Herbstgold Logo


  • Event Zeit11:00 am
  • Event LocationHaydnsaal
Header Foto

Boris Brovtsyn
Andrey Baranov
Amihai Grosz
Boris Andrianow
Itamar Golan
Wenzel Fuchs
Karl Markovics

"Forbidden Music"

Boris Brovtsyn, violin
Andrey Baranov, violin
Amihai Grosz viola
Boris Andrianow, violoncello
Itamar Golan, piano
Wenzel Fuchs, clarinet
Karl Markovics, speaker

The Third Reich of Dreams

In 1933, the Berlin journalist and writer Charlotte Beradt began collecting dreams: dreams that were dreamed under the Nazi reign of terror until 1939. Fifty such “dreams dictated by the dictatorship” appeared in a book in 1962 that seems more relevant today than ever. The volume brings together dream notes from Beradt's personal environment, which seem like literary seismographs of the establishment of a dictatorship; notes which tell of people “as they become cogs in a totalitarian mechanism” and which seem to anticipate the crimes that were to follow.

The great actor Karl Markovics reads from Beradt's book at HERBSTGOLD. These literary testimonies are juxtaposed with works by composers such as Paul Hindemith, Igor Stravinski and Stefan Wolpe: musical masterpieces that were banned as “degenerate” during the Third Rech in order to “protect” the population from the influence of Judaism, communism and modernity.

Event Datum


Sunday, 11:00 am

Event Ort


Schloss Esterházy, Eisenstadt

Parking & Directions


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+43 2682 65 0 65

Hotel Galántha

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Seating Plan & Prices

    I€ 107,-
    II€ 91,-
    III€ 76,-
    IV€ 56,-
    V€ 39,-
    • Event Zeit1:00 pm
    • Event LocationRestaurant Henrici

    Konzertdinner im Restaurant Henrici

    Stimmen Sie sich auf Ihr Konzert im Schloss Esterházy kulinarisch im gegenüberliegenden Restaurant Henrici ein!

    Schwarzbrottoast / Kürbisgemüse / gegrillter Rehschlögel / Rucola

    * * *

    Gegrilltes Hirschsteak / Grillgemüse / gefüllter Erdäpfel

    * * *

    Gegrillter Schokoladenkuchen / Vanilleeis / Karamellisierte Feigen


    1 Vöslauer Mineralwasser still oder prickelnd 0,33 Lt


    1/8 Esterhazy Wein [Der Prinz oder Blaufränkisch]


    ¼ Lt Apfelsaft naturtrüb, Orangensaft, Traubensaft oder Apfel-Weichsel-Saft


    1 Kaffee oder Tee nach Wahl

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